Green infrastructures
We selected products that meet the highest standards for environmental protection in our selection of materials for your business. So, you're sure to have products with low environmental impact without sacrificing performance and without breaking your budget.
- Deployment of low consumption energy machines certified Energy Star and EPEAT.
- Installing sober and non-energy intensive printers ; limiting the impressions being the eco-responsible attitude to adopt in the margin.
- Using intelligent network elements with integrated power management.
High Availability
Because to have an effective information system is the first expectation of a company, an information system have always accessible is the second!
We offer a range of solutions for redundancy and high availability for your critical infrastructure.
Server clustering, DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan), BCP (Business Continuity Plan), remote backups, the range of opportunity is great.
Information System Optimization
Some figures prove it: it is clear that today, many servers are underutilized, consuming time (maintenance and management) and energy return on investment rather low, and by increasing at the same time the cost of ownership (TCO = Total Cost of Ownership).
The optimization, through the rationalization of the information system is an important step in a green IT approach, providing many benefits in terms of direct costs (equipment purchase) and indirect (energy consumption).
Server virtualization allows you to host multiple physical machines onto a single server (or two for redundancy and high availability): it is server consolidation.
Thus, it is possible to optimize the number of machines used in production and in an eco-smart way to be a winner at all levels with an excellent return on investment (ROI = Return On Invest).
Desktop virtualization equel to deport back the traditional PC in the engine room: it is a huge gain in terms of administration!
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Data management
The Information System of a company in a few years became the holder of the corporate memory. Also, access to this memory must be efficient, fast and secure. In addition, we must protect this memory, save it to conserve and to restore it if necessary. We offer our skills and several solutions to this:
- SAN (Storage Area Network) or NAS (Network Attached Storage) installation
- Backup solutions
- Backup outsourcing
- Disaster Recorery Plan (D.R.P)
- Business Continuity Plan (B.C.P)
Security and Integrity
Access to their data reliably and quickly, while having the certainty that these data are protected from destruction through a high quality backup are the first two requirements for the memory of the company. The third is definitely to make this secure and ensure the integrity of this memory. We provide different products to these issues:
- Firewall Solutions
- Protected access Systems (biometric, identification ...)
- Data ciphers and encryption
Power Management
Many studies prove it: a device, even in standby consumes energy. This consumption, multiplied by X machines ended up costing businesses, governments and the environment.
Green IT Consulting has chosen to promote the Power Manager solution. This software makes it possible to save up to 50 Euros per computer per year! The most your IT infrastructure is important, most the savings are substantial.
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